Accessible Buses UK
While all public service vehicles (buses and coaches), introduced since 31 December 2000, holding more than twenty-two passengers, and used to provide a local or scheduled service, must be DDA (Disability Discrimination Act 1995) compliant, some models of buses do it better than others.
An example of this is the comparison between a Mercedes-Benz O.530N Citaro and the East Lancs (now Optare) OmniDekka.
- The aisle on the Citaro between the front two wheel arches is narrow barely allowing a wheelchair through and doesn’t have a distinct wheelchair bell in most if not all cases.
- Whereas the OmniDekka has a spacious aisle despite having a stair case for the upper deck and a decent sized luggage bay, allowing the wheelchair user to navigate easily and get into the bay.
What each value means
System notes
Common in
If we (the admins) know where this type of vehicle is common, we will note it there upon review. This helps show where these run.
This field is added to summarise the ratings and give extra pointers that will not vary between operators.
The Image
All images are provided by our partner site, S.E. Bus Fleet and can be enlarged by clicking the image when in the vehicle's page. The vehicle colour scheme might not match your local vehicles but the bodywork will (in most if not all cases), if you need assistance, feel free to contact us. Credit of the images goes to the author, normally Christopher or Victoria. If you want to use the images, please use the Contact Us link in the headers and footers of each page.
Overall Score
The 'Overall score' is a value to describe the overall accessibility of the entire vehicle.
The user who filed this report. As this is a public site and we allow anyone to add ratings, 'Anonymous' is an option.
Date & Time
When this report was filed. This value is system generated from when the form is completed.
Dual Door?
This value helps provide some easier comparison as single door variants might have a different internal layout to dual or triple door variants of the same vehicle.
Distinct Wheelchair Bell
When the blue stop button (located in the wheelchair bay) is pushed, does it play a different sound to alert others of the wheelchair user's stopping request or does it play the same sound as the normal buttons?
Wheelchair Bay score
How easy was it to move in and around the wheelchair bay? How securely the wheelchair was able to be parked should be considered.
Wheelchair Accessibility score
How easily could a wheelchair user navigate to the wheelchair bay from the ramp?
Considerations include:
- Is it possible for a wheelchair user to navigate without assistance?
- Is it easy without assistance?
- Is the carer able to sit near if they are present?
Stopping sign score
- How easy to read was the stop sign?
- Was it bright enough if in direct sunlight?
- was it obstructed?
Stopping bell score
- Could the bell be heard over the engine or a normal conversation?
- Was it not too loud as to set someone into sensory overload?
Handrail Accessibility Score
- Were the handrails a contrasting colour to the interior?
- Were they easy to grab if needed?
Next-Stop AV Present
Did the vehicle have automated messages or a display to inform passengers of the next stop? (Similar to announcements on trains)
Which bus company operated the vehicle? This can help provide more indications as to the interior as companies can specifiy certain aspects when ordering vehicles.
Any notes the user would like to add. Used for any issues or strengths not covered by the other values. If this rating was from a depot visit or a public event rather than a passenger, please note it here.
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